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Our company

The «UnikA» translation agency provides professional translation services from Ukrainian/Russian into a foreign language and from a foreign into Ukrainian/ Russian. We offer maximum quality at minimum cost. Our prices are the lowest on the translations market!

Qualified translators will translate a text of any difficulty in any sphere from/into English, Arabian, Italian, Spanish, Persian (Farsi), Chinese, German, Modern Greek, Turkish, French, Swedish, Japanese and other languages of the world. Our translators graduated from the top higher educational establishments of our country – Shevchenko Kiev National University, Kiev National Linguistic University, Dragomanov Kiev Pedagogical University, etc. Our translation agency also cooperates with the native speakers of foreign languages, who live in Ukraine.

The «UnikA» translation agency allows a flexible discount system for our regular customers.

Special offer Every 20-th page will be free

The «UnikA» translation agency guarantees full confidentiality and preservation of Client’s documents.

The «UnikA» translation agency offers such services:
- translation;
- interpretation (consecutive and simultaneous);
- notarization.

The «UnikA» translation agency offers services of translation in such subjects:
- general;
- technical;
- economical;
- medical;
- juridical;
- legal.
*other subjects - on the nod.

The «UnikA» translation agency offers services of simultaneous and consecutive translation. Our service package includes:
- escort of delegations and individuals;
- guided tours;
- handling business meetings and negotiations, briefings, press conferences, presentations, round table discussions;
- seminars, lectures, perpendiculars, holiday events;
- translation support for exhibitions and presentations;
- negotiations via telephone;
- installation supervision by a foreign expert;
- participation of a translator in sessions of court, interrogations, subscription of documents with notarization, reading aloud and other legal procedures;
- providing resumes of texts.

We cherish our reputation!

Back Contacts: tel./fax: 237-37-96 tel: +38 (067) 231-22-55 e-mail: enunika.in.ua