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Interpretation: sequential and simultaneous.


The «UnikA» offers services of simultaneous and consecutive translation. Staff members of the «UnikA» translation agency have accumulated a professional team of interpreters. Each of them is a specialist in certain sphere, works with two certain languages and is in command of the appropriate terminology.

Consecutive interpretation. In the process of consecutive interpretation a speaker makes logical pauses giving the interpreter time to communicate what has been said in a foreign language. Consecutive interpretation is used to render negotiations, public speeches, lectures, to provide translation support for exhibitions and guidance services.

Simultaneous interpretation. This kind of interpretation is given while the source speaker is speaking, as quickly as the interpreter can reformulate the message in the target language. Normally, in simultaneous interpreting between spoken languages the interpreter sits in a sound-proof booth, usually with a clear view of the speaker, at a microphone, listening through headphones to the incoming message in the source language; the interpreter relays the message in the target language into the microphone to whosoever is listening.

The «UnikA» offers services of simultaneous and consecutive translation. Our service package includes:

  • escort of delegations and individuals;
  • guided tours;
  • handling business meetings and negotiations, briefings, press conferences, presentations, round table discussions;
  • seminars, lectures, perpendiculars, holiday events;
  • translation support for exhibitions and presentations;
  • negotiations via telephone;
  • installation supervision by a foreign expert;
  • participation of a translator in sessions of court, interrogations, subscription of documents with notarization, reading aloud and other legal procedures;
  • providing resumes of texts.
*prices on the nod

If you plan to have meeting with your foreign business partners or want to conduct business negotiations, conference, lecture, etc, the «UnikA» translation agency will help you find a professional interpreter.

Back Contacts: tel./fax: 237-37-96 tel: +38 (067) 231-22-55 e-mail: enunika.in.ua